c1 FedCloud PoAM Generator

c1 FedCloud PoAM Generator

The process of preparing a monthly Plan of Action and Milestones report for Cloud Service Providers adhering to FedRAMP compliance often requires manually copying and pasting data from several disparate systems into a complex FedRAMP mandated template and specific format. The process is labor-intensive and prone to manual error. As a result, this detracts team members from performing key security and compliance functions, thus putting the organization at risk.

Cloud Service Providers rely upon their FedRAMP attestations for contracting with government agencies. PoAM reporting and management is a requisite process for a provider to maintain and annually renew this revenue enabling attestation. Therefore, providing a means to simplify this audit and reporting process is a critical enabler to your business objectives.

Automating & Streamlining

The c1secure FedRAMP PoAM Generator gives your team back their critical time to focus on core security and compliance functions by automating and streamlining this mandated FedRAMP compliance process. Security operations and vulnerability response issues are automatically translated into PoAM records and exported into GSA compliant reporting format. Additionally, to address challenges with scale, the PoAM generator provides the benefit of dynamically updating record status for reported items to reflect the current state of remediation or resolution for the defined information system.

The PoAM Generator also supports:

  • CMBD records are enriched and transformed to create the mandated FedRAMP Integrated Inventory Workbook (FIIW), reclaiming further time spent by critical resources on FedRAMP reporting
  • Deviation requests can be generated with a single click from the Vulnerable Items and exported in the FedRAMP compliant format. A built-in workflow will track the approval and lifecycle of your deviation request.

Key Features

Benefits you can bank on

Automatically export Plan of Action & Milestones (POAM)
FedRAMP Integrated Inventory Workbook (FIIW)
Deviation Requests directly into FedRAMP reporting format

Want to know more about FedCloud PoAM Generator?

Interested in what we can do for you? Please get in touch and we will be glad to help.